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What are the 5 Focuses for Early Childhood Development?

1.  Physical Development:  What the child does with their body; fine or gross motor skills.  How the child is able to move, excercise, and use muscles and actions to develop and learn.

2.  Cognitive Development:  What the child knows and thinks.  The actual learning skills that need to take place in order for the child to build their knowledge base.  Core learning areas for cognitive development include: Math, Science, Reading, Writing, Language, Social Studies, and higher level thinking skills (Bloom's Taxonomy)

3.  Social Development:  How the child interacts with others in society.  Can they relate, communicate, listen to, and empathize with others? 
    Emotional Development: How the child feels about themselves and others.  What they need in order to be successful, feel positive and confident, and grow happily.

4.  Character Development:  The tools and skills a child needs to grow into a role-model and individual.  How a child develops in the world around them, which makes them unique, purposeful citizens.  Teach skills that one needs to know in life.

5.  Life Skills:  Morals, Manners, and Everything in between! What a child needs to know that our parents taught us way back when!  These are the "good ol' boy lessons" that we all need to learn to bring meaning to the world!  Teach skills that we should look up to and bring meaning.
The Five Focuses
These are the 5 areas of Early Childhood Development that are essential in the learning and growth process.  Here, you will find two of our 5 Focuses plans that provide activities for each area.  Enjoy!

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