
Friends We Love!!! 
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A child's schedule, where each day is meaningful for them!  Here is our idea for you AND it works!

  • These can be used to teach your child to follow "directly step-by-step" or as "choices".  It is dependent on what works best for the parent and child in your home.
  • Children need REAL-LIFE photos of things they can personally connect with for it to really be 'meaningful' for them. 
  • If they can connect, and it is meaningful, it means more and they are more likely to follow it; so we think.
  • A child would rather see what they are suppose to do 1 time, then hear it from you 20 times. Yes, we are sure you would rather show and tell them only 1 time too!
  • Therefore, print out our daily schedule cards, get a pocket chart (find cheap ones here), and take YOUR OWN real-life photos in your home of the "daily events" that are written on our printable cards.
Recommended to print these out on cardstock for longer durability and use.
My Planner
Click to view sample real-life "planner photos."

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